Hello CryptoKnight, I'm glad to have found this medium, will of course throw some few bucks in some of these, Just need to sit and research which 2 or 3 to got with. Let me also know if you are open to ideas and opportunities as well, we can always share.

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Your "Total Portfolio values" from the table dont add up? $618 dollars total invested but table shows over $2300 initial invested....am I missing something? and all of these defi projects are tanking right now, even the mighty Strongblock is at $24 as we speak....why would anyone invest in any of these right now with crypto taking a sh*t and ponzi tokenomics? Will any of these be around in 3-4 mos? [maybe even weeks] Love the newsletter though.....always enjoy talking defi!

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Hello CK . What a good idea you had! I am looking forward to the journaling of your defiant treks, and surely will input here and there my 2 cents woth. Already building my soap box. Have a good day.

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